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University of Szeged, Faculty of Music – Palmculture

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University of Szeged, Faculty of Music

Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 79-81, 6722
+36 (62) 544 605

University of Szeged, Faculty of Music

Alongside the reconstruction following the 1879 flood disaster, music education in Szeged began to develop rapidly. In 1880, composer Viktor Langer founded the Town School of Music, which was led by Endre Szögi musician and composer from 1883 to 1903. In 1904 the Town School of Music invited the distinguished musician, Péter Király-König, who became a leading figure in the musical life of Szeged for decades, thanks to his musical and organizer skills, amking the school one of the most progressive ones outside Budapest, and the school taught men of excellence, such as composer Jenő Huszka or conductor Antal Fleischer. Thanks to the operation of the institution, the city’s musical life had also been revived, the City Music organized four concerts a year. From 1903 there was a serious lack of space, as the number of students at that time was over 400. In 1911, pre-work for a planned music palace began, but the construction was prevented by the war. The city council moved the school to the top floor of Tukats House on the Tisza Lajos Boulevard. Under Kuno Klebelsberg as Minister of Culture (1922-1931) enormous university investments were made in Szeged, which unfortunately did not go hand in hand with the development of music education infrastructure. Thus, the construction of a music palace that had been planned for decades had not taken place. In 1946, the city established the Szeged Music Conservatory, and for some time it seemed that the conservatory will be awarded a college rank, but the decree on state music consercatorys intervened a year later, thus creating the Szeged State Conservatory. The graduates of the Conservatory could only obtain a diploma in arts or teaching with the completion of the Budapest Academy of Music. With the separation of base-level training, the conservatory was transformed into a vocational school in 1953 under the name State Vocational School of Music of Szeged. In 1966, vocational school education and music teacher training were separated in five music schools of the country, the latter being raised to the rank of college by the Ministry of Culture. The official name of the Szeged institution became the Szeged Division of the Teacher Training Institute of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music. In 1998, the Conservatory detached itself from the Academy of Music and was a founding member of the Szeged Higher Education Association until 1 January 2000. At that time, it became an independent, faculty-level unit of education of the freshly integrated University of Szeged. Following a successful faculty accreditation, as of September 1, 2003, it is the 11th Faculty of the University of Szeged, training artists and teachers on college level, and performers and artist teachers at university level. The long-deserved renovation of the building is planned to begin soon.



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