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János Tornyai Museum – Hódmezővásárhely – Palmculture
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The history of János Tornyai Museum goes back more than a hundred years, and it presents extremely rich archeological, ethnographic, local history, art and craft works of Hódmezővásárhely and its area. The city council of Hódmezővásárhely decided to establish the museum in 1905. Today’s museum buiéding was purchased from state aid in 1914, but it housed several institutions, and the museum became an independent institution only in 1946. In 1951 it took the name of one of the most prominent artists of Hódmezővásárhely, János Tornyai. In 2007, the Tornyai János Museum and Cultural Center, the public collection, public education and library organization of the city was established. Its headquarters is the János Tornyai Museum, and is maintained by the Municipality of Hódmezővásárhely. The museum also houses several permanent exhibitions. The permanent archaeological exhibition, Everyday Venuses takes us back to the everyday life of the man of the Neolithic. The exhibition focuses on three main topics: the life of a Neolithic village, the beliefs of the Tisza culture, and the late Neolithic bulrush and textile industry. In addition to the archaeological exhibition, a permanent exhibition of urban history, called Centuries on the shore of Hód Lake – From Houd to Újváros, opened in December 2018. The exhibition shows the development of the settlement from the age of Árpád to the fire of Kis Street, which destroyed over 1,000 houses. In addition to the archaeological finds and reconstructions exhibited, digital devices are also used to discover the history of Hódmezővásárhely. The ethnographic part of the exhibition also gives an idea of the development of the farm system around the city. Part of the permanent exhibitions is the Spectacle Warehouse, which features more than 1,500 archaeological, local history, ethnography, and fine art materials, located in the basement level of the museum. In the fifty-two showcases, only 1% of the museum’s entire collection is lined up in chronological, periodical, and object groups.
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