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Heroes’ Gate – Palmculture

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Heroes’ Gate

Szeged, Boldogasszony sugárút eleje, 6725

Heroes’ Gate

The Heroes’ Gate (Porta Heroum) was originally built as a city gate for those arriving by rail in 1936, based on the ideas of Klebelsberg Kuno. There building has three arched gates on four pillars over Boldogasszony Avenue. Based on the idea of the mayor of that time, it became the Heroes’ Gate, commemorating 12,000 soldiers of Szeged. The neoclassical gate was designed by Móric Pogány, and the army statues on both sides were created by Éva Lőte. The arches of the gate are decorated with frescoes by Vilmos Aba Novák. Europe’s largest outdoor fresco is grouped around three themes: war remembrence, praise for the heroic dead and Miklós Horthy’s departure from Szeged. In the middle of the work is a picture of Christ spanning 8 meters, turned towards Aradi Vértanúk tere (Arad’s Martyrs’ Square). For more than fifty years, the artwork was hidden from the eyes of the observers, for the first time, in 1945, only Horthy’s figure, and then four years later all of them were blinded. As a result of several years of restoration work, the original state was restored by August 2000. Aba Novák Vilmos painted the allegory of Faith on one side of the gate, and the theme for the other side is The Action.



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