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Serbian National Theater – Palmculture

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Serbian National Theater

Pozorišni trg 1, Novi Sad
+381 21 6621411

Serbian National Theater

The Serbian National Theater was founded in 1861 in Novi Sad. The first administrator was Jovan Djordjevic, who remained in office until 1868 when he moved to Belgrade at the invitation of Prince Mihailo and founded the National Theater. First building of the Serbian National Theater was built in the courtyard of today’s hotel “Vojvodina” in 1895 by the project of the architect Vladimir Nikolic, thanks to donations by Lazar Dundjerski. Unfortunately, this building burned down in a fire in 1928. The theater then moves into today’s “Youth Theater” in Ignjata Pavlasa Street. The new building was built in 1981 under the project of Polish architect Victor Jackiewich who won the international competition. On that occasion, the right side of the former Jevrejska Street with a number of buildings of historical significance was destroyed, which disrupted the ambience of the old town core. There are three auditoriums in the building. In addition to drama, ballet performances and operas are held in the Serbian National Theater.


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