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University of Szeged – Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences – Palmculture

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University of Szeged – Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

In addition to education in the building, lectures, cultural programs and exhibitions are held regularly.
Szeged, Egyetem u. 2, 6722
(62) 544 360

University of Szeged – Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Construction time: 1912 | Builder: Ottovay István és Winkler Imre

The neo-Romanesque style building is a one of the most prominent features of the city of Szeged, which has been home to the University of Cluj, which has fled to Szeged in 1925, and its current successor, the University of Szeged.

For the design of the building, a tender was opened in 1911, which was open only to architects living in Szeged. The criterion of the tender determined that the building should have “serious” style features, the Art Nouveau style was to be ignored. Nine entries were submitted for the competition, the first prize of which was won by a plan from architects’ István Ottovay and Imre Winkler. Béla Ligeti was responsible for the construction work. The construction began on July 13, 1911, and the building was completed at a staggered pace of work in one year on August 1, 1912. In the course of landscaping, the entire natural lake previously occupying the site has been filled up, with the József Attila Science and Information Center standing in its place now.

In 1925, the Faculty of Humanities occupied the third floor of the building. The Geographic Institute took over part of the first floor. On the ground floor, the Institute of Zootaxy and the Dental Clinic were located. The corridors of the building have not always been filled with bustling student life, their original owner was the Hungarian Railway, relocated to Szeged in 1887, which had hundreds of employees.

Sándor Sík held his literary history lectures in the Great Hall of the Faculty of Humanities between 1930 and 1944. At the same time several famous Hungarian writers spoke to their numerous audience, including Gyula Illyés, László Németh and Péter Veres. Another famous student of the Faculty of Humanities was Miklós Radnóti, a distinguished poet between 1930 and 1935.


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